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Finance > Invoices (Franchisor)

Enter Franchisee Revenue

Modified on: Mon, 30 May , 2022 | 03:40 PM

  1. Navigate to Finance on the left-hand menu.
  2. Select invoices.
  3. Choose Franchise Revenue.
  4. In the upper right-hand corner click the green "download revenue sheet" button to download a spreadsheet where you can enter all revenue fields for this franchisee.

  5. Choose whichever fee period your would like to enter revenue into FranchiseSoft for and also what fee types you will be entering.
  6. Enter sales revenue only in percentage calculated fee type columns as any fees with a fixed amount do not need revenue to calculate.
  7. When you are finished entering all revenues, save this file.
  8. Back in FranchiseSoft click the green “upload revenue sheet” button in the upper right-hand corner.
  9. Select the file you wish to upload and click the green submit button.
  10. You will now see this franchisees revenue appear on the screen for the fee period(s) you entered into the spreadsheet.

  11. Click on the gear icon on the far right and select view. Here you will see the details from your spreadsheet translated into FranchiseSoft.
  12. If all of these details are correct, click the green “approve and create invoice" button in the bottom right hand corner
  13. When you click on the gear icon from the franchise revenue page you will also be given the option to view invoice. Clicking on this will bring you to a preview of the PDF invoice to your franchisee.

If you have any questions on the contents of this article, please email helpdesk@franchisesoft.com for additional assistance. 


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