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Operations > Tasks

Inline Task Editing

Modified on: Tue, 06 Dec , 2022 | 05:05 PM

You can edit information on your Tasks without opening each Task using inline editing.

  1. To view and/or edit your Tasks click on the icon on the Top Navigation that looks like a clipboard (it should appear 5th from the left side).
  2. This will display all of your Tasks. You can choose to see Today’s Due Tasks, Upcoming Tasks, Past Tasks or All Tasks by selecting one of the tabs.

  3. Once the chosen list of Tasks is displayed you can edit any Task(s) you would like.
  4. Hover over the field you would like to edit and click on the pencil icon that appears in the upper right corner of the field.

  5. Clicking will make the field editable so you can now type over or change the existing text.
  6. To save your changes simply click on a white space on the screen.

If you have any questions on the contents of this article, please email helpdesk@franchisesoft.com for additional assistance. 


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