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Sales > Events

Create a Recurring Event

Modified on: Tue, 06 Dec , 2022 | 05:01 PM

  1. To create a new recurring event navigate to the My Events icon on your Top Navigation (it looks like a calendar with a star on it).
  2. Once My Events is displayed, click the green "Add New" button in the upper right corner.
  3. This will display the event details to be populated:

    Event Title
    Reminder (number of minutes, hours, days)
    Start Date
    Start Time
    End Date
    End Time
    Contacts (you can choose leads or partners or corporate users)
    Invite External Contacts (add in email addresses of additional contacts)
  4. At the bottom on the right, just above the "Submit" button there is a check box for adding recurrences.

  5. Once you check this box additional options appear allowing you to choose how frequently and how many times the event will recur.

If you have any questions on the contents of this article, please email helpdesk@franchisesoft.com for additional assistance. 


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