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Sales > Lead

Edit A Lead - Add Note

Modified on: Wed, 08 Jun , 2022 | 05:10 PM

  1. On the lead list select the lead you would like to add a note on.
  2. Click on the gear icon at the far right.

  3. Select note from the options that appear.
  4. The note list will pop up and display all notes for this lead.

  5. To add a new note, click the green add new button on the upper right.
  6. The note screen will appear.

  7. You can add an attachment if applicable.
  8. Enter the contents of your note.
  9. Click submit to save your work.
  10. This will return you to the lead list.
  11. You will see your new note appear in the notes column as this column displays the most recent note on a lead.

If you have any questions on the contents of this article, please email helpdesk@franchisesoft.com for additional assistance. 


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