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Operations > Training

Create A Training Video

Modified on: Fri, 10 Jun , 2022 | 02:28 PM

This functionality is only available for franchisors.

  1. Open the Admin menu on the left-hand side.
  2. Select Operations and then select Training.
  3. Click on Training Video this will display all of your current training videos.
  4. Click the green add new button in the upper right-hand corner.

  5. Give your training video a name - this will not be viewable by trainees.

  6. Enter a title for this training video - this will be viewable by trainees.
  7. Choose a video group from the list of training content groups you created previously.
  8. Enter a description for the video.
  9. Next you have a few choices for how to upload the video file:
  10. The first option will allow mv4, ogv, webm, mp4 formatted files to a maximum size of 100mb
  11. Alternatively, you can upload a webm file, an ogv file and an mv4 file.
  12. Click submit to save your video.
  13. Repeat this process for all training videos you wish to load in.

If you have any questions on the contents of this article, please email helpdesk@franchisesoft.com for additional assistance. 


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